Goodreader app ipad download#
Place the bookmark in front (if you want to) that way is accessible when you want to download a video. Once you have the link in your pasteboard, go to safari and create a "dummy" bookmark and name it something like "good read video dwld" or wherever you want to name it. The link above ^ from is the one they will copy to the device pasteboard. Javascript:(function()%='g'+(document.getElementsByTagName('video')%5B0%5D.src) %7D)()
Goodreader app ipad windows#
Instructions are on settings/general settings/ tap on bookmark video and a popup windows will appear letting you know that the link for your bookmarklet has being copied to pasteboard. All in all, I do feel like the app has improved and I hope this enables the developer to continue to refine the app. Also, I think it's great that it's finally a universal app for iPhone and iPad, rather than two separate purchases. I also like the new icons view, although I wish it showed Finder-style previews for the icons instead of just a generic "PDF" or "Text File" icon. I guess I'll send them my $3 out of loyalty if nothing else.ĮDIT: This version does at least allow you to collapse the enormous tool panel on the right into a small toolbar, which is actually a pretty big improvement. That said, this is an app I still use that I bought on iPad launch day. Tons of features, but all of them are front and center in your face, all the time and somehow they're still hard to find. I am disappointed that this seems to still have the same muddled busy over complicated interface it has had since I bought it on original iPad launch day. Thank you for reporting spam and other rule-breaking content. If you have any suggestions regarding subreddit or community improvements, you can message the moderators at any time. Exceptions may be made and the final say goes to the moderators.