Endless space 2 ships artstation
Endless space 2 ships artstation

There are three classes of ship hulls: small, medium, and large, with small and medium hulls having multiple types. The player can also use certain battle tactics as well, which give certain bonuses but also certain negatives. Players can also weaken an enemy system's defenders by waiting by the system for several turns, which decreases the number of enemy troops. Replenishing ground troops requires manpower, a special resource, and each ship can only carry so many soldiers. The player's ground troops can be upgraded, and the player can decide what percentages of the army they make up. Players can also invade by sending their ground troops to fight against defenders for a system.

endless space 2 ships artstation

Players can also retreat from battle, saving their ships at the cost of taking some damage. Different battle tactics can be used, which give bonuses and change the range of engagement. Players can engage in ship battles against enemy fleets, with the outcome being entirely random, although greater fleet strength increases chance of victory. To fight against other empires, players require ships and ground troops. However, enemy empires can interact with these civilizations as well. They can also be assimilated into the player's empire if their relationship is good enough. There are also minor civilizations, who players can improve their relationships with to get them to send resources, or declare war on. Each empire has their own territory, and different relationships with the player (i.e. The player can interact with them, by declaring war, sending tributes, or forming alliances. They are also competing with various other empires, who are also attempting to win the game. In order to expand their empire, the player must colonize systems throughout their galaxy. Increasing party status/representative counts can be achieved by reaching certain technologies, constructing different buildings, and performing certain actions (one example is how declaring war, building bunkers, and researching weapons increases militarists count). However, bills require the party to have reached a certain status, and parties can pass "forced bills" without player interaction. There are also a certain number of law slots, where the player can pass bills associated with a certain party that give buffs. There are also different types of government. Each race has different parties, such as industrialists and scientists, which can have different statuses, such as entrenched and established. Politics are also important for different reasons. Each tree has four levels, which are only unlockable by researching different subjects in the level before. The game has currently 10 factions (including DLC ones).clarification needed There are four different categories of research trees: military, science and technology, business and trade, and empire development. It unlocks new constructions, ship hulls, weapons, modules, upgrades, tactics, abilities and other useful things. Research is key to progressing through the game. To reach different systems, players must follow established star lines, unless they have special technologies researched. Finally, the player can construct different structures, which give system-wide buffs and can be built an unlimited number of times, with a few exceptions. Each planet can also be given a specialization, which give buffs, with additional buffs being granted based on climate. The ability to colonize different environments is unlocked through research. Planet stats decide how effective planets are at what, while environments decide whether a planet is colonizable or not.

endless space 2 ships artstation

Anomalies can be explored using an explorer ship, and give buffs or debuffs to the entire system.

endless space 2 ships artstation

production, food, etc.), and sometimes anomalies. Each system has up to 5 planets, with their own environments, climates, stats (i.e. They are then given control of a fledgling empire, which they must expand by conquering systems. It was released on May 18, 2017.Īt the beginning of the game, the player can choose from one of several races, each with their own perks and traits. The game had been made available through Steam's early access program since October 2016.

endless space 2 ships artstation

It is the sequel to Endless Space, which was released in 2012. Endless Space 2 is a turn-based strategy, science fiction 4X game developed by Amplitude Studios.

Endless space 2 ships artstation